Friday, January 11, 2013

PE3 Reflection

PE3 Reflection:

  • I have enjoyed shadowing あずみさん and I hope to continue doing this next semester.  Listening to such a natural speaker and imitating his voice patterns has both helped me understand the Japanese language and improve my skills, especially that of pitch patterns and speed.
  • I was able to attend some of しばた先生の office hours, and there I learned about ぶんぽう and practiced my free speaking. I was not able to find a free speaking partner, and this is something I hope to do next semester.
  • Overall, PE has really helped improve my Japanese, and looking forward to the next semester, I would like to improve my speed and fluency and hopefully find a free speaking partner.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013


 I found this picture while looking for a picture of snow in Japan, and I thought it was so great that I had to post it!  I guess you could see it as a prelude to tomorrow's しゅうじ class.  I wonder, what is the meaning of the red stamp at the bottom of しゅうじ and works of art?

Anyway, back to 私のふゆ休み。

私のふゆ休みはとてもよかったので、たくさんゆっくりをしました。でも、12月15日にロックフェラーセンターにアイススケートをしにいきました。クリスマスにセーターをにまいと、シャツをさんまい もらいました。それから、ともだちにあって、いぬとあそびました。私のりょうしんは私とはなしたがっているので、たくさんはなしました。今は、たくさんべんきょうします。

My winter break was great because I rested a lot.  However, on December 15th I went to the Rockefeller Center to ice skate.  For Christmas I received two sweaters and three shirts. Also, I met with friends and played with my dog.  My parents wanted to talk with me, so I did a lot of talking. Now, I'm studying a lot.
