Sunday, September 23, 2012

PE Goals and Activities


I am very excited to begin the PE program; I know that it will prove invaluable to my speaking skills.  The following are my goals and activities:

-I have some difficulty pronouncing the glides; I would like to become proficient and comfortable in doing this by the next cycle.
-My reading-aloud skills are lacking mostly because of speed; I would like to increase how fast I can read hiragana.
-I would like to memorize the "high/low" tone patterns of at least 25 new and useful vocabulary words.

-I would like to find a Japanese male that is well known for public speaking and shadow him; if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
-I will learn new phrases by pronouncing them rather than just reading them and memorizing the hiragana.
-I will write flash cards with hiragana and bars indicating the tonal pattern of each word and practice saying them every day.

ありがとうがざいます for reading,


  1. I searched some of famous news broadcasters in Japan, and I found that "安住紳一郎 (あずみ しんいちろう)", who is a male broadcaster, is very famous. He won "the best broadcaster of the year" 5 times and has been enshrined in the Hall of Fame. So, you can try to find his talks from Youtube.

  2. しばたせんせい、

    This will be perfect, ありがとうございます!

